The Latest News from Sally:

If you are like me, you are feeling extremely anxious right now. Will voters be safe Tuesday? Are we going to win? When will we know? If we do win, how are Trump and his followers going to react? As we fasten our seat belts for this wild ride, remember that we are all in […]

Kemp Doesn’t Care Last week, Governor Kemp stood before the steps in Georgia’s capitol, with Trump’s CMS appointee Seema Verma by his side, to announce the federal government’s approval of his Medicaid Waiver Plan. The Governor’s slickly worded presentation almost had me believing that he could cure Georgia of its 1.4 million uninsured. He spun […]

Right Now It’s Bad. For most of my life, I’ve heard the Republican Party spin doomsday scenarios should Democrats gain political control. They’ve claimed the economy would suffer due to higher taxes and big government. Affordable Care Act death panels would hand out death sentences to those unworthy of healthcare.  Al Qaeda would gain influence […]

I firmly believe that we must have a diversity of voices to ensure a thriving democracy. It follows that to protect our country from tyranny, we must make voting easily accessible to everyone. Two years ago on election night, my campaign volunteers retrieved vote counts directly from all 48 precincts throughout the district. When totaled, […]

“Do not get lost in a sea of despair.  Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime.” –John Lewis, 1940 – 2020 2020’s Last Stand When the pandemic started last March, we dealt with uncertainty by […]

As the most important election of our lifetime approaches, it is critical to get this message out: “Do not wait until the last day to vote!” Request an absentee ballot now, or make a plan to vote early in-person. I want to get this word out to 20,000 Democrats in Senate 40, but the $10,000 […]

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“Your emails are so informative I suspect you have reawakened an interest in government by your constituents.”

“Senator, thoroughly enjoy your missives — informative, insightful and timely.”

“Again, I have to say that you write extraordinarily wonderful newsletters. I have to read them from beginning to end so I don’t miss a sentence where you nail the truth so well. You have a great sense of humor which is so important in today’s world.”

“I enjoy your newsletters so much. They always have all the information I really need to have.”

“Sally, your communication is spectacular!”

“I want you to know just how much I truly, truly, truly appreciate these electronic updates from you. They are filled with quality information and clearly convey the amount of effort you are expounding on the behalf of all Georgians.”

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