The Latest News from Sally:

“Now is the time to stand up, claim our shared values and create change.” I am proud to announce my candidacy for Georgia’s 40th Senate District. We are at a crucial moment in Georgia’s history. Our demographics are changing. Our politics are evolving. Now is the time to stand up, claim our shared values and […]

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“I appreciate your emails more than I anticipated. They are informative while being upbeat.”

“I appreciate your updates and have read all of them. Thanks to you I feel I know more about what’s going on in the Georgia legislature than I’ve ever known before.”

“Your emails are so informative I suspect you have reawakened an interest in government by your constituents.”

“Senator, thoroughly enjoy your missives — informative, insightful and timely.”

“Again, I have to say that you write extraordinarily wonderful newsletters. I have to read them from beginning to end so I don’t miss a sentence where you nail the truth so well. You have a great sense of humor which is so important in today’s world.”

“I enjoy your newsletters so much. They always have all the information I really need to have.”

“Sally, your communication is spectacular!”

“I want you to know just how much I truly, truly, truly appreciate these electronic updates from you. They are filled with quality information and clearly convey the amount of effort you are expounding on the behalf of all Georgians.”

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